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Do You Practice Other Healing Modalities?

The Master Class Enhances Any Healing Modality

The Dynamic Stillness School happily supports practitioners in any modality who desire to realize a living contact with Pure Breath of Love.

Dynamic Stillness School participants have included medical physicians, integrative medical doctors, osteopaths, dentists, naturopaths, physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, psychotherapists, homeopaths, biodynamic cranial teachers and practitioners, authors, university professors, lawyers, accountants, bodyworkers, water workers, spiritual teachers, specialists in posture and movement such as Gyrotonics, Pilates, Continuum, Alexander, somatic experience, yoga teachers, tantric practitioners, ... to name a few.

In 1948, Dr. Sutherland, the founder of cranial work, publicly revealed his powerful insight: 

'let the unerring potency be in charge' ... and 'get as far from the physical senses as I possible can' when touching.

The above quotes form the founding principle of all osteopathic biodynamic cranial practice.

The Dynamic Stillness School has evolved Dr. Sutherland's impulse by offering specific Stillness Practices that counter efference. Unfortunately, efference is taught as a required practice for offering  Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, a medical approach to touch. However, instead of efference, we drop into a deep neutral called 'Sacred Repose' to access the spectral expressions of the body as consciousness that emanates love.

The inner journey of Stillness Touch begins at Dr. Sutherland's pinnacle realization of BE STILL AND KNOW I AM - this is when the biodynamic tides disappear.

Realizing I AM is the end of the biodynamic osteopath's map.

However, amid Sacred Repose, if you wait ... for nothing ... for as long as it takes while dwelling in I AM, you will enjoy a cellular implosion of Dynamic Stillness. This begins a post-biodynamic non-tidal journey into the Spanda, which is the sacred pulse of love. Here, you realize BE STILL AND KNOW I AM LOVE.

By inwardly embodying the classic ascending biodynamic tidal expressions of the Breath of Life, you contact what ancient traditions call the Wisdom of the Whole.

Here, you meet THE Fulcrum of Creativity.

This fulcrum is sensed inwardly as a Divine Feminine Substance of Love that escorts your consciousness on a journey of descent into the cells of your body.

The first stage of this endless journey is to realize Dynamic Stillness (I AM) and then, you choose to let it implode in your cells. Every heartbeat will then emanate Pure Breath of Love, and your Grail Journey begins. 

Master Classes thoroughly explore the Grail Journey as a Path to realize the spectral nature of your consciousness as distinct yet overlapping, and ever-evolving expressions of love, with no map.

Stillness Touch is a counter force to the efferent methods and medical touch practices that are taught in the non-licensed biodynamic cranial schools. Rather, with Stillness Touch you cultivate a non-doing practice amid no efference, no objectification, no separation, and without any enquiry into tides or Dynamic Stillness.

Dr. Sutherland implored us to get away as far as you can from your physical senses ... do not apply any outside force ... trust the unerring potency and let it be in charge. His non-medical, non-doing disposition is so powerful that Dr. Sutherland characterized it as uncanny.

In the three Master Classes, you will enjoy a living, intimate, ever-deepening, body-felt union with the ascending tidal expressions of the Breath of Life.

And then, you can contact the infinite Pure Consciousness of Dynamic Stillness that descends and becomes a post-biodynamic realization of Pure Breath of Love

This is characterized in the books Stillness Chapter 9, and elaborated more thoroughly in Stillness Touch Union of Body & Love Chapter 9. 


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