Why do I make that assertion?
Read Sutherland's instructions to osteopaths on touch.
Dr. Sutherland gave a lecture to osteopaths on how he practices biodynamic touch:
We had a visit from a young lady, a ballet dancer whose name is well known on Broadway. In our living room, she gave a dramatic and reverent dance interpretation of the biblical saying 'Be Still and Know that I am God."
In her impressive presentation, we could see that she lost all awareness of the physical senses.
"Be Still" these physical senses, and get as close to your Maker as you can, closer than breathing. Where you realize what is meant by the Breath of Life, not the breath of air, the breath of air being merely one of the material substances which man utilizes in his walkabout on earth.
It has been my endeavor to get as far away from the physical senses as I possibly could, that is, to a point where one begins to experience - to realize 'Be Still and Know.'
That is why I have so much to say about information gained solely through laboratory tests and experiments and information often gained through the application of erring or unreliable physical senses.
How many of you have the same degree of vision? The same degree of touch?
~ April 25, 1948 The AOA Millennium Yearbook
Also, read this interview: Unerring Potency
And read this interview: Prague Interview
The Death of Biodynamics in the Cranial Field
Answer honestly, does any non-osteopathic biodynamic cranial school teach touch the way that Sutherland instructed osteopaths with the "same degree of vision" and the "same degree of touch" to "get as far away from the physical senses as I possibly could"?
The answer is obvious, and the consequences?
The death of biodynamics outside of cranial osteopathy.
Since most biodynamic cranial practitioners are trained in non-osteopathic schools, we will dive deep into what has caused the death of biodynamics.
The main culprit is Efference, which is Opposite to Be Still
Efference is the fundamental impediment for a biodynamic practitioner.
Efference - as fear or desire - prevents our inner repose in the midline, blocks the evolution of consciousness, and obstructs the practice of Stillness Touch. If we engage any efference while touching, the enfleshment of Pure Breath of Love is impossible. That is why it is crucial to expose as many types of efference as possible that the non-osteopathic biodynamic cranial schools teach. Also, detailing these efferent practices lend support to the overwhelming number of practitioners who request it. Applying efferent touch is not the practitioner's fault. Rather, efference occurs because their so-called "biodynamic" training left them imprisoned in one of the polar extremes of efference: fear or desire. With fear, we have no contact and with desire, we become addicted to the tides.
Efference is the main practitioner impediment that prevents the neutral and blocks our union with the unerring potency.
I pointed out earlier the tragic fact of the Death of Biodynamics in the non-osteopathic biodynamic cranial field.
In Review, non-osteopathic biodynamic trainings are efferent. Their teachings are either medical, based on fear, and thus dead on arrival, or, they support the Superego's desire of clinging to the ascending current that bypasses our descent to enfleshment.
Efference hinders the Soul's evolution and prevents the enfleshment of the sacred pulse of love.
Summary of common ego and Superego strategies that prevent our enfleshing the unerring potency of love:
~ Spiritual Bypass: Hypermasculine/Hyperfeminine
~ Enquiry, Clinging, Addiction to Feeling Tides With The Hands
~ Virtual Biodynamic Practice
~ Teacher Co-dependance As A Guru-Disciple Dynamic
~ Emergence of the Psychotic Core
~ The Beast
~ Absolutism
Based on the book Stillness Touch Appendix 4 Study Guide, we revisit the classic osteopathic biodynamic tidal map as an ascending journey to realize I AM.
We then return full circle to review Charles' first contribution to the cranial field: that the biodynamic tidal expressions are enfoldments of consciousness, which is outlined in the book Stillness Chapters 4-9.
From the book Stillness Touch, we revisit the Soul's journey to Pure Breath of Love. We thoroughly review the descending journey as a mapless, non-tidal, post-biodynamic domain in which we realize that the body is united with Pure Consciousness that emanates Love from every cell and throughout creation with every heart beat.
Master Class 3
March 20-23, 2025
Sedona (Lodging Is Available On-site and Next Door)